Thursday, March 8, 2007

It has been a long time...

It seems like I have abandoned this blog isn't it. No...I would never do that. It has been quite a long time since I last posted anything here. . I was just busy attending to my daily job and settling problems rooted from my husband's accident. All his documents has to be replaced and we have to find another car for him to commute to his workplace. Luckily the workshop that's repairing the car lend us a Satria to be used temporarily. So that problem solved.

Anyway, I have promised to share the picture of the accident, haven't I? We got it already and they can be seen in my husband's blog. It is all there.


Makcik Runner said...

i've seen the pics and my gosh, it looked so scary. imagine if the car were to turn upside down....well, it simply wasn't his turn yet.

sometimes when things like this happen and we're given 2nd chance by Allah, it sorta gives us more time to reflect on our lives and the purpose of living in this world...

zura said...

Definetely kc. I do cherish him more now..I can't imagine how my life would be without him. He's still traumatic now but that doesn't stop him from driving. He's still the best driver i've ever known.

Sunan_Jati said...

very nice blogs...

zura said...

Thank you sunan_jati. I wish I could know you a little more. I was trying to get hold of your blog but apprently there wasn't any listed under your profile. Do drop in again though.